
时间: 2021-8-18 17:18| 来源: 美国中文网

摘要: 美国中文网报道 ABC新闻周三发布了对总统拜登的采访,这是拜登在阿富汗局势巨变后首次接受媒体专访。他再次为美国撤军决定辩护,并首次断言“混乱不可避免”。

美国中文网报道 ABC新闻周三发布了对总统拜登的采访,这是拜登在阿富汗局势巨变后首次接受媒体专访。他再次为美国撤军决定辩护,并首次断言“混乱不可避免”。

“所以你认为撤军不可能被处理得或以任何方式处理得更好,没有犯错误?”ABC新闻主播斯蒂芬诺普洛斯(George Stephanopoulos)向拜登提问说。


“我听到人们说,你有2,500名军人在那里,什么也没发生。你知道,没有更多。 但你猜怎么着,事实是,什么也没有发生的原因是上一位总统一年前的协商,他将在5月1日之前离开,撤离时不会对美国军队进行攻击。这就是已经完成的事情。这就是为什么什么也没发生。”拜登说。

No Way to Leave Without Chaos Ensuing: Joe Biden on Afghanistan Crisis

The QuintThu., August 19, 2021, 11:32 a.m.·2 min read

In his first interview since the Taliban’s seizure of Afghanistan, United States President Joe Biden said that it was impossible to leave the region “without chaos ensuing.”

Speaking to the American news channel ABC News, Biden said,

“”The idea that somehow there’s a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don’t know how that happens.”” – Joe Biden

Afghanistan has hurtled towards a humanitarian crisis after its government disintegrated at the hands of Taliban.

Earlier this week, visuals of hundreds of desperate Afghans struggling to enter aircrafts to leave the war-torn nation, as well as horrific videos showing people falling to their deaths after they clung on to an aircraft as it took off had surfaced online.

However, amid the panic and desperation unfolding in the Afghan land, Biden defended his call to withdraw US troops.

In the interview, Biden reiterated his aim to complete the military withdrawal by the end of August, but went on to assert: “If there’s American citizens left, we’re going to stay to get them all out.”

Also Read: 10 Heartbreaking Visuals That Depict the Fall of Afghanistan

Contrary to his promise of the ‘orderly drawdown’, the American administration has appealed to the Taliban to let the people fleeing a safe passage out of the country, AFP reported.

The US had taken over the operations of Kabul Airport after it experienced upheaval as people tried to escape Taliban rule.

Biden said that the militant organisation was cooperating on letting Americans leave, but also added, “We’re having some more difficulty having those who helped us when we were in there,” AFP reported.

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman reiterated, “We have seen reports that the Taliban, contrary to their public statements and their commitments to our government, are blocking Afghans who wish to leave the country from reaching the airport,” AFP quoted.
